Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mind Game

More coarse and brawn then than a lion's empirical mane,
was a man who selflessly embodied shame.
His heart internally bled from sheer pain.
The woman he loved dearly stung like acid rain.

Her envy, so heavily engrossed, grew so wretchedly vain.

Day after day, she knew of no other game.
Unruly behaviors that grew so tiresome to tame.
Spiraling downward with emotions so easy to disdain.
Subtle mysteries that lied beyond the sky were difficult to contain,
due to the demons spreading like fire throughout the country plain.

Light unveiled. The lover ignited the flame!

Pausing time, the beast broke the chain.
Virtue, now, is so hard to regain -
Vices, so very crucial to refrain.
That is when I knew, life would never be the same.

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